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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

One Down, One To Go!

 At long last, it's sock number One which seemed to take forever on size 2 dpns, no less!  However, I knitted it with patience and love, trying to keep in mind that these are going to be gifted to a very special someone whose name cannot be revealed because he/or she may be reading my blog one of these fine days, LOL.

I've decided to knit the second sock using 2 circulars and see if they take as long......I do love dpns (one of the few, I guess) but since I'm no longer intimidated by socks on circulars, I'll see how it goes and report back once I post a picture of the completed 'pair'.

I've also started a Norwegian color pullover for one of my grandsons for Christmas (yes, I've begun early, knowing my past 'rush-rush' deadlines).  I will be following EZ's directions from her Knitting Workshop which by the way is available at Schoolhouse Press.  I love this book and the great patterns in it which aren't always fully explained to a dyed in the wool (pardon the pun), line by line dependent knitter such as myself.  However, EZ always strove to empower knitters to think things through on their own to a certain extent.  When this fails me, I call Schoolhouse Press and ask away.  They are all so helpful there that my questions are soon answered.

I've also just begun a Christmas stocking for my newest grandson and I'm using Meg Swansen's 'Eli's Stocking' pattern, available at SP also.  I am tweaking the pattern a bit though, starting out with the basic knit 2, purl 2, ribbing followed by a plain section for the name.  I'm using the 2 ply jumper weight, Jamieson & Smith yarn available at SP as well.  Right now there's not enough progress for a picture but as soon as there is something to see, I'll post it here.

 The weather here has been extremely hot but even so, with much watering, I leave you with a couple of colorful, lovely pictures to brighten your day.

1 comment:

Mary Anne said...

Your sock is beautiful, Laura. You are a very talented sock knitter.

I love your flowers, the heavenly colours are gorgeous.