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Monday, August 21, 2006

Fun Days!

Ahh, yes, my big day which always winds up lasting for at least a week and between my family and friends, they manage to see to it that I get a good bit of celebration in before I can officially say the B day is over. We went to dinner last night at a beautiful restaurant and everything was perfect. This morning began with breakfast and a couple of gifts to open, and tonight 2 of my sweet sons are coming over as well. In addition to all this, I am expecting a big gift that my kids went in on to arrive here any day now so when it comes I'll take a picture of it so you can see it too. My wonderful daughter gave me a timely gift certificate that bought me a new keyboard for my computer (don't ask what I spilled on my original!!) and my daughter-in-law who is just the best, hands down, has a gift certificate waiting for me to get a manicure and pedicure.....all I need to do is make the appointment. Wow, I'm so very blessed by having the most wonderful kids ever and a great husband and Mom....even my brother is taking me to dinner next week. I know I'm bragging way too much so forgive my obvious pride here but I wanted to share how lucky I am. It just doesn't get any better than this, I tell you!

On the knitting front I'm knitting away on my "yet to be completed" projects and making some progress which is a good feeling. Everytime I go into the closet where I have my yarn stashed I see another thing I began and left floundering all by itself! The worst of it is I'm longing to try my hand at one of the sweaters from "The Sweater Workshop" by Jackie Fee! What can I be thinking when it's obvious that I'm already drowning in UFO's so there's no need to be inflicting anymore punishment onto myself with yet one more to complete. I did knit the cute little sampler from her book a few years ago which was a good learning tool. Several key techniques are used as you work your way up this creation and I found it a joy all the way. I used Aurora 8 merino yarn in a cool melon color with peach as the second color. I use the sampler now to cover the tin I put my needles in and it looks pretty cute if I do say so myself. I highly recommend this Sweater Workshop because it covers so many things and the author never assumes that you "already know" this or that. To me, that's what a teaching book should do. 

"What progress, you ask, have I made? I have begun to be a friend to myself." Hecato, Greek Philosopher


Sharon said...

Happy Birthday Laura, sure sounds like you have been very spoilt.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Laura. Sounds as if you had fun

Mary Anne said...


I'm so happy that you appreciate your family and all the good things you have in life. That's the most important gift we can give ourselves.
hugs to you

Dorothy said...

Happy Birthday!
Sounds like you are being well spoiled - and you deserve it :)