These are the rose bushes on our patio out back......who wouldn't love waking up to this explosion of vibrant color. My husband pruned them last fall and they were dwarfy little things when he was finished. I thought they might not bloom as much as last year but my suspicions were obviously unfounded. God has truly created such beauty for each one of us to gaze upon if we only have the eyes for it.
I've been working on my Regia socks and after much fiddling, finally completed my short row heels. I'm not sure what I did but I got all discombobulated (I think that's how it's spelled, LOL) and twisted around and had to take the heel stitches off the circular needles more than one time. Now it's just a matter of knitting the feet and completing the kitchener stitch on both and viola......a new pair of socks that can be worn with black slacks! Pictures will follow, I promise.
The weather in my neck of the woods has been hot and a bit humid too. When this time of the year rolls around I stay close to home so that I can partake of our wonderful AC......therefore, my walking has to be on the treadmill nine out of ten times because it's just too gosh darn hot for me to take it outside. I do miss looking at all the lovely trees, flowers, and bushes in my neighbor's yards though.
Until next time dear readers, I leave you with this gem of wisdom: "This above all, to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man" Shakespeare
1 comment:
Hard pruning on roses will give you lots of new canes for the spring bloom out. Those are gorgeous!
Petunias are terrific plants. And a beautiful quote for lifting spirits.
I think your comments works now. ;o)
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